Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Epilogue

So Mustache Challenge 2011 has come to a close.

It's been a wild ride ... one might say a wild mustache ride (sorry, couldn't resist and no, not proud of it either). Though I was certain my mustachey antics were wearing pretty thin by the end of the week, I was surprised that come the following Monday people were actually asking me why I wasn't still doing it. As if I had an endless supply of fake facial hair stockpiled somewhere. And though I wasn't able to go the full 7 days as I had originally pledged (due to the aforementioned mysterious disappearance of one of them), when it was all said and done I was able to collect and turn in over $200 for my daughter's school's art and music project. Very, very cool and very, very appreciated.

So what have I learned from this once in a lifetime experience? A little about proper mustache placement (very important), a little about fake mustache adhesive (being clean shaved, ironically, is also very important) and even a little about myself. For example, here's a couple of my favorite, actual comments I received from coworkers over the course of the week:

"That mustache makes your teeth look big."     Nice.

"That mustache looks too fake ... it needs more gray in it."      Thanks.

And, interestingly enough, the mustache that I got the most compliments on, by far, for being the most realistic looking was the one called ... The Square. Great. What are you guys trying to tell me here? I'd like to think that if people got the chance to see me in The Hero, that would have been a different story.

Well, it's time to close the door on this particular challenge. It's been fun sharing it with you all. For those who contributed, I offer a sincere and heartfelt thank you. For those who haven't, I plan on leaving this blog and the donate button on it up and running until my 6-month old son starts high school as he will, more than likely, attend the same grade school as his sister and I'm sure they'll continue to need funding for their music and art program. So if you're feeling charitable some day down the road, please feel free do it here and I will make sure it finds it's way to the school.

By the way, I was at a local novelty store recently and stumbled upon the following ... can you say sequel?  :o{D

And I'm still waiting for my call from Conan and/or Dave.