Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day Three: The Weasel

Today's mustache is called The Weasel and I have a feeling it's not because of anything related to Pauly Shore. No, one look at this slick set of whiskers and I could tell right off that it wouldn't be projecting a very positive image. You wear a 'stache called The Weasel and you can be sure that people are gonna probably think negative things about you ... at least subconsciously. A man with a lip warmer like this is up to no good ... in fact, he's probably up to something dastardly. Turn your back on this guy and next thing you know he's tying you to a railroad track or somethin'. Or maybe he just might ...

... go to Target for some hair gel and contact solution. Okay, so my mundane lunchtime activity today probably didn't do this particular mustache justice, but it did give me a chance to collect some more double-takes and strange looks while I strolled the aisles in search of hair treatment (only now I realize that I should have looked for a mustache comb). I even walked there in order to get maximum mustache exposure.

Per request, I asked someone to take my picture while at Target as (more or less) proof that I am actually doing this out in the wild. At the time, it seemed more crowded where I was having the picture being taken (honest), but perhaps once I turned my back people realized that I was one of those types of people you should steer clear of and quickly dispersed. Only a theory.

On the way back, at a bus stop, an oddly stereotypical Californian stoner-surfer type guy (I didn't even know they still existed ... he seemed like he was straight out of Ridgemont High) jumped out of nowhere and asked me bluntly, "Dude, is that mustache real or fake?" Of course I immediately slapped him and shouted back, "How DARE you!?" Okay maybe I didn't, but ten minutes later I thought of how funny that would have been if I had.

One great thing that has happened since I last typed ... I got my first (and only, so far) donation. So, because of that I can now officially say this hasn't been a complete waste of time. Hooray and thank you! For those who haven't donated yet ... what, do you think I'm just doing this for my own amusement?! Okay, so I kind of am, but a donation would be nice, too.  I was also excited to see that my blog just got it's first "follower", too. Kind of a weird term there -- follower. It sounds like I'm the leader of a cult or something. Well regardless, welcome loyal subject! Now put on your fake mustache and turn to page 42 in our hymnal.

Well, I've had enough fun for today ... it's time to put The Weasel to bed. Yup, I just said that and no, I'm not entirely proud of it.


  1. Dear Mr. Larson,
    I commend you for your 'stachiness. It rocks. I donated to your cause because (1) I believe in wonderful things like schools and the arts, and (2) I very much believe in mustaches. Especially interchangeable ones.

  2. Thank you, Bridget! You rock! If anyone out there is reading this, I'd like to point you in the direction of Bridget's own blog, Stumbling Towards Perfect, which is always an entertaining read full of wit, wisdom, humor and love (plus she just generously mentioned my Mustache Challenge in it!)

    Check it out! It can be found here ...
