Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day Two: The Square

And we're back again for another rousing edition of Mustache Challenge 2011! 

Today's 'stache du jour was a little ditty known as The Square, assumedly named this because it's style is one that is primarily preferred by the non hip and/or the ungroovy (or me) and not for it's actual shape which, upon first examination is actually rectangle-ish or, upon even closer examination, a trapezoid. That's a little geometry for the kids out there. Another thing to note, if you gaze upon the pictures below, it actually is closer to my actual hair color than The Hollywood was which made it a bit less obvious in it's fakeness ... not necessarily a good thing, though. I picked this one because I could place it well beneath my nose -- after yesterday's tickle-athon, my proboscis needed a serious break.

Anyway, the day started the same as the previous one ... bleary eyed, slightly grumpy (or was it cranky?), but this time I added "lazy" to my morning attributes and chose not to shave. [Fascinating fun fact: Brian does not usually shave every day as he assumes the ladies appreciate a bit of stubble on a guy; he also does not often talk about himself in the third person.] I suppose this goes against the overall theme of the mustache since I would assume that most squares shave daily (hey, maybe I'm not a square after all!). Or perhaps I'm putting way too much thought into this.  After completing the rest of my morning beauty regimen, I slapped that sucker on my upper lip and wandered out to greet the family before heading off to work. My 5-year-old daughter seemed a bit confused that I was wearing yet another fake mustache, but I was able to avert the question by exciting her with the promise that I'd let her have a "mustache fashion show" this weekend so she could try them all on for herself. Yay! Yes, there will be photos taken and posted (and said photos WILL make an appearance, along with several others I have stockpiled over the years, minutes before her first date).

Skip ahead to my work day (because nothing notable happened during my 45 minute commute, which is, believe me, a good thing). Many of my coworkers appeared as confused as my 5-year-old, but I didn't think the offer of a mustache fashion show would work on them so I mostly just smiled and continued on. I figured it's early in the week, I'm sure at some point the curiosity will get the best of them and then I'll give them my salespitch (hey, speaking of that, now would be the perfect time to head on over to that "donate" button at the upper right and support my daughter's school's art and music program!).

People's wildly varied reactions -- that's actually the funniest thing (to me) about this whole mustache silliness I've decide to partake in. I actually had a normal, 5 minute conversation with a coworker today (they were off the day before and were completely unaware of my shenanigans) before they paused a beat and finally said, "So what's up with the mustache?" That's amazing to me ... it took all of my efforts to try to keep a straight face during that first 5 minutes. I also ventured out to lunch today to (product placement) Subway and most of the people behind the counter didn't say a word; though I did get one lady to crack a smile. That said, this is Hollyweird we're talking about -- they've probably seen far crazier things and have learned that it's safer not to say anything. I was tempted to ask to have a photo taken with the manager (so at the very least I could offer some proof that I'm actually doing this), but they were busy and I figured that would be pushing my luck.

In the end, I find myself second-guessing the name of this particular mustache as well. Though upon application I did get a Ned Flanders (of The Simpsons) vibe from it (especially after the addition of the reading glasses I bought originally for my Dwight/Nordbergh Halloween costumes) in the end I think I wound up looking a bit more like Jeff Foxworthy. I do have to admit to a constant desire to say "okalee dokalee" during the day, though.

Well, it's late and I've got to wrap up today's post so I can get going on getting cranky and bleary-eyed for tomorrow morning. Thanks yet again for continuing with me on my journey into merry mustache madness! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for ... The Weasel!

The Informant 2?

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